About Me

I am a researcher at MIT (CoCoSci) studying how people perceive, learn, and reason effectively given limited cognitive resources. I did my graduate work with Steve Piantadosi at UC Berkeley. My thesis work was aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying visual numerosity perception. I've used behavioral experiments and computational models to link the visual information people gather from a scene to their ultimate perceptions of quantities. In one project, I showed that the psychophysics of number, including "subitizing" small quantities and Weber's law for larger quantities, reflects optimal inference under a limited informational capacity. See an explainer here. You can read a précis of my thesis here.

My recent projects explore how people learn geometric patterns, reason about physical systems, and actively seek information in ways that respect their cognitive limitations. One direction I am particularly excited about is modeling and experimentally testing how people reason in complex settings without holding many pieces of information in memory simultaneously.


  • Bayesian & information-theoretic modeling
  • Visual perception
  • Numerical cognition
  • Active information-seeking
  • Concept learning


  • Postdoctoral Researcher, 2022-Present
    MIT, Computational Cognitive Science Lab

  • PhD in Psychology, 2016-2022
    UC Berkeley, Computation and Language Lab

  • BS in Cognitive Science, 2012-2016
    Carnegie Mellon University
Curriculum Vitae
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Selected Publications

Representational constraints shape human information-seeking

Cheyette, S.J., Callaway F.L., Bramley N., Nelson, J., Tenenbaum J.B.

(Under Review)


Limited information-processing capacity in vision explains number psychophysics

Cheyette, S. J., Wu, S., & Piantadosi, S. T.

Psychological Review (2024)


Response to difficulty drives variation in IQ test performance

Cheyette, S. J., Wu, S., & Piantadosi, S. T.

Open Mind (2024)


Spatiotemporal pattern learning as probabilistic program synthesis

Mills, T., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Cheyette, S. J.

Neural Information Processing Systems (2024)


A unified account of numerosity perception

Cheyette, S. J. & Piantadosi, S. T.

Nature Human Behaviour (2020)


Recursive sequence generation in monkeys, children, and native Amizonians

Ferrigno, S., Cheyette, S. J., Piantadosi, S. T., & Cantlon, J.

Science Advances (2020)


A primarily serial, foveal accumulator underlies approximate numerical estimation

Cheyette, S. J. & Piantadosi, S. T.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019)